So I just caught up with the doings over at Farmgirl Fare (puppies!!) and scrolling down I see her bit about spring salads - I really should take her advice and plant up. Why? I'll tell you why.
I'm driving home from a two day business trip, a 3-4 hour stretch and having sorted through the mental detritus of work/home, I'm half hour from the front door and thoughts turn to dinner ... as in what's fer...? It's been a glorious day, about the third consecutive sunny, warm day (something not experienced much during the whole of 2007 and to be celebrated like the second coming) and my tummy says 'a huge bowl of salad' please. I swear I would be stick thin if I lived in a hot climate.
And so, nearing home, I stopped by the supermarket.
Not a single chuffing lettuce leaf to be had. A true sign that Summer has arrived. Not for me the harbinger of Summer in the form of swallows on the wing, butterflies, country fairs & car-boots, no. For me, the first sign, is no sodding lettuce on the shelves.
I may have to cheat for a few days on the photos as Peggy is in the camera shop for a clean-up. I'm sure the people at Allposters won't mind me using the odd image, as long as I give them some free advertising, huh?
1 comment:
Hope you found that lettuce!
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