Have you ever been flicking through the channels and, hang on a minute, let me re-phrase that...you are watching tv whilst the man of the house is flicking through the channels and Oh! "Go back a minute .... who is THAT?" The 'THAT' in question was Tyrone Power Jr
Star of the silver screen in the 30's - 50's, tragically he died of a heart attack whilst filming a typically swashbuckling scene in Spain in 1958 at the age of only 44 (I have learned all this from the wonderful worldwide interweb) Phwoar as they say in these parts.
And so, pardon the departure from normal topics/photos, I felt I should share with the girls. (Or boys of course, if that's your thing)
Been busy round here of late, usual stuff. But the fun part was picking up a new (ish) car today, Italian of course! And far more economical, fantastico! So, I was thinking about cars, movie stars etc. and thought I'd start up a MeMe. Here goes:
1. First car
2. Fave star
3. Oh bollocks, I'm bored with this, make up your own ending.
Ciao tutti!
Hey Betty,
Listen, I've just being going through old comments left on Farm Blogs from Around the World, and found yours about my book, A Place in My Country.
I just wanted to say thanks, and thanks too for the links. I really appreciate it. I tell you, the only thing that will keep my book from being pulped is word of mouth.
So any you can give it would be much appreciated.
Thanks again,
Kind regards,
P.S Any chance you could post a review on Amazon.co.uk? I'd like to read yours very much.
P.P.S You can reach me by email at info AT ianwalthew.com
Thank you - gorgeous photo of Tyrone Power. Do you have both of the box sets? The second one has ten films and is focused on his earlier movies.
He's going to be honored by American Cinematheque in LA this November 14, 15, 16. They're showing three or four films and the family will be in attendance, lots happening.
You make such a good point about zapping the channels and saying, who's that? That's how I fell in love with movies (and Tyrone). Alas, it doesn't happen that way anymore because there are dedicated film networks now, and if you don't have one on, if you're young, you miss being introduced to these great stars. And poor Tyrone gets no play on Turner Classic Movies because they don't own the Fox studio films.
Hi Ian,
Nice to hear from you. Of course I'll do the Amazon thing, you are very welcome. Have you thought of contacting BBC's Countryfile programme? I think there's also a magazine to go with the show - I'll do some investigating. Catch up with you again soon.
Hello Mrs R - nice of you to comment. Unfortunately I'm a loooong way from LA so no chance of attending the TP do! I agree with your point re the homogenisation (is that a word?!) of film channels. But having discovered him now, I'll be sure to search him out; what a guy!
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