Well events have, as usual, overtaken even the simplest of hobbies such as blogging. If you can appreciate I've found absolutely no time to do something I enjoy, can you imagine how behind I am with some of the more mundane tasks? Mmmm.
The hiatus was not at all bad, a trip to Rome snuck in a couple of weeks ago but I'm afraid there are few photos to share - it was a catch up visit with some good friends and many of the shots are of people and as I've said before on this blog - I don't do people. Having been fortunate to visit la bella citta many times before, I'm afraid I was not in tourist snapping mode.
Over at the Caffienated Cowgirl's new home, I was reminded of the importance of familiar music whilst abroad, particularly if you are always on the move as she is. Well CC, this one's for you - a new station I think you'll enjoy which, ironically, would have been your local station back in the UK.