When I was little, my parents said my middle name should be 'Biscuit Tin'. We always had a tin of biscuits on the go in our house (for what is a cup of tea without a biscuit, huh?) But I wasn't allowed to hog the tin otherwise, well, of course, I'd eat them all.
Nowadays, I have more restraint...ok, so maybe just 5 or 6 at a time. I don't really have all that sweet a tooth but come on, when there's an open pack of Malted Milk on the go, or a loose wrapper on some Rich Teas, or perhaps you dropped a packet of Custard Creams so you ought to open it and just check the damage...oh the temptation is too much.
The biscotti pictured above were a holiday favourite; they came in a great big sack which of course meant they needed to be finished off quite quickly...well, there are fewer worse culinary mishaps than stale biscuits, am I right?
For those of you similarly affected by God's own snack, I highly recommend you check out this little worshipful site, dedicated to our love of biscuits I seriously laughed out loud on a number of occasions. Don't forget to take their very important Business Meeting Biscuits poll.
So, what's your favourite biscuit?
I'm pleased to have stumbled upon your blog and am off to check out those biscuits pronto. My favourites at the moment are Lotus original caramelised biscuits...they are so nice I can get through half a packet at a time so i won't be buying any more!(for a while)
Thanks Colourspace, your blog is charming. I'm loving the little birds!
Oh my gosh. Growing up I loved iced oatmeal cookies (sorry for my American vernacular)...but you Brits did me in forever! I fell head over heels in love with Hob Nobs while living in England!!! My favorite was the plain chocolate ones...until they stopped making them. But the milk choc ones are a perfectly acceptable substitute...and thankfully their is a Brit store near us that carries them :)
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